Take the Community Investing Pledge!

As the federal and state governments continue to pull funding out of underserved communities, tens of thousands of people will lose access to affordable housing as well as other vital social services. You can help direct funding to the neighborhoods that need it most by becoming a community investor. When you pledge to put at least five percent of your checking, saving, and investing dollars into community investing, you're also sending a powerful message that investing in communities is essential.
Take the Pledge
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This campaign brought to you by Co-op America. Join us in our work to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable economy.


YES! I pledge to put at least five percent of my combined saving, checking, and investing dollars into community investing, so that my money can help create jobs, affordable housing, and social services in underserved communities.

>> More information on community investing

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Please send me a FREE copy of Co-op America’s "Investing in Communities" guide.

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